We have always done time outs, it seems like they don't work at first...but if you start them at an appropriate age and are super consistant, they really do work. (FYI we feel like we started James too early, we were encouraged by some friends to start at only like 10-12 months and we regret it! We suggest just going with your parental gut feeling on what age to start it, there's no wrong or right) Ethan totally knows the drill now, it's great..and James has outgrown timeouts now (he has to have consequences), but he still dislikes timeout so much that all we have to do is threaten it and he apologizes within seconds. It works every time! I also had to share Ethan getting "pantsed" by James, well more like being "diapered!" lol! Seriously, it's so fun having boys so close in age at times like these, hahaha
oh my goodness that time out face is priceless!
I love that time out picture!! Too funny! Boys are a crack up. They have so much dang energy. They keep going and going and going...........
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