Monday, September 28, 2009

We're Expecting another Baby!!!

We're so thrilled to share with everyone that baby #3 is coming next Spring! I'm super excited and very nauseous. I'm about 9wks pregnant and definately feel it. It's amazing how your body adapts and changes so much with each pregnancy. We are very hopeful that we will not lose this baby, as most of you know that we had a misscarriage at 8 wks last February. For those of you who don't know Cameron and I were sad to find out through our misscarriage earlier this year that they found a golf sized tumor on the only half ovary I have left and was advised to have a hysterectomy last June if I hadn't concieved by then. Cameron and I prayed so much to feel peace and comfort that we had completed our earthly family with James and Ethan. We attended the Temple often and felt strong in our decision to continue to concieve. What an amazing blessing it is to be expecting again. We feel that whatever Heavenly Father has planned for this for this pregnancy we are prepared for it. So...on that note, nausea is a good sign, even though every day feels like a million hours. I'm just so grateful to have this experience again, and most likely for our last time.
We're due next Mother's Day weekend~May 10th 2010~ What a wonderful gift!

Memories That Will Last A Lifetime...