Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Haircuts all around!

We buzzed the boys heads, including Cameron, on father's day. It's been so hot lately that we thought what the heck and did all of them one after the other. A few days later I became so fond of their short hair, that I cut all my hair off too! I love it! I've been wanting it short for a couple months now, and decided since everyone else had the same A line bob haircut that I had, it was time for a fun change. I haven't had my hair this short for ten years, and it feels amazing! I have my spunk back again, now if I could just lose the baby weight :) (It's so much harder the second time)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

James and Ethan are so lucky to have such a wonderful dad. When Cameron and I were dating, I remember seeing the way he interacted with his nephews and thinking to myself "he's gonna be a great dad one day" and he is! He's even better than I could've even imagined. He's everything I've ever wanted in a husband and father. We are the luckiest family on the block!

1o reasons why he's the best dad:
10. He has the boys bathed, fed, and in their PJ's when I get home from work
9. He can make a stressful time funny in 2 seconds
8. He's so patient and teaches them along the way
7. He acts out the UFC fights with James, and lets James win
6. He can totally out do me on errands done in one day with both boys with him, no prob
5. He never complains, he just does what needs to be done
4. He makes them laugh so hard, they cry
3. He switches the carseats everytime, from both our cars
2. He makes them rough and tough! No sissy boys in our family:)
1. He makes them feel special, by giving them plenty of hugs throughout the day!

It's a boy!

Welcome the newest member of our family! His name is Seargant,andwhat a sweet boy he is. I'm really out numbered by boys now, and I love it! We decided to add onto our family to give Buster our other dog, a brother and friend ( like James and Ethan) One of my clients dogs had puppies and let us have one. He's a pure bread Golden Retriever and will be definately bigger than Buster who is 3 and fully grown. Wow, we really have a crazy house full now. Toddler + baby+Dog+ Puppy= Work, Work, and more Work! It's the kind of work thats so worth it though. What more is there to look forward to than your family and your pets. There's never a quiet moment that's for sure. Cameron has been amazing, by doing the night shifts with seargant, and I get the morning shift. We are crate training him and he loves it actually, he has his little safe haven. Potty training has gone so well too. Better than we had anticipated. He's only had a few accidents and luckily we have travertine tile so it's easier to clean it up. We are so happy to welcome the newest member of the Churchill fam...

Night out in Santa Monica!

Cameron and I haven't had a nice long night out since before we had the boys. It was my friend Natalie's Birthday so we headed out to Santa Monica in LA for a night out on the town. We met up for dinner at Tannons (yummy) prior to driving to LA to avoid traffic with our friend kirk, Chelsea, and Jamie and then carpooled down. Cameron and I had such a great time together, it doesn't get any better than being kid free on a Friday night with your amazing hubby, good friends, and of course lots of dancing! It felt so amazing to not have a curfew...seriously, you forget when you become parents how to appreciate any time away from kiddie land. (We love our boys to the moon) but for all of you parents that fear the guilt a leaving your babies for an evening out, don't! All of us hard working parents deserve dating our spouses and spending time with good friends! We ended up getting home at 2:30am, something again we haven't done since we were dating and I had to be at the salon at 7:30am for my first client. Yes, I was exausted but it was so worth it! Happy Birthday Nat!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ethan's first car!

Ethan started crawling a few weeks ago, right at 8 months and now he's on to bigger and better things like standing up and holding on to anything he can. We think he'll be an early walker, but who knows. Anyways, we went to Right Start to buy a britax car seat for Ethan because he's wanting to be a big boy like James now, and the funniest thing happened. If you've ever been to Right Start before then you've seen how the store is set up, with the little activity area for your kids so that you can shop. Well, James did play for a bit while we picked out Ethan's car seat, but then Ethan wanted out of the stroller, so we put him in a walker that was set up as a model for the store. As we were cashing out, James AND Ethan were out of our sight! No one but us were in the store so luckily we called for them and we heard them laughing right awaky. Next thing we knew James came racing around the corner pushing Ethan in the walker! He was running so fast bumping into everything and Ethan's head was going every which way with the hugest smile on his face! Boys will be Boys! The employees were all laughing with us and thought it was so cute to see Ethan enjoying every minute of it, especially because the walker looks like a black car. Well, decided to get Ethan the walker since he loved it so much, and combi makes it. (We ar combi fans) They sure know how to make boys look cool, who knew they'd actually make a car walker and in black? Love it.

Our little Picasso!

James has definately hit the stage of wanting to draw, paint, color, mold, and just basically anything he can get his fingers on or around! (We have the walls to prove it :) Just thought I'd share his creative side.

Our typical weekend in SC!

We love having lunch in San Clemente on the weekends and of course finish it off with a walk on the pier to let James run ( and watch him try to snatch fishing rods or fish bate) My dad is a surfer so James always checks to see if any of the surfers below us are papa by yelling "Papa" over the rail of the pier, it's so cute. Anyways, we didn't bring the "just in case" trunks for James this last time and we bumped into our friends Britney and Justin with their kids, Adam who is James's friend (only a week apart) and Ellison who was born just 2 weeks ago. The boys stripped down to their diapers and just ran around together. James kept trying to take adam down, apparently he thought Adam wanted to play football, and they loved to watching the trains go by. The coolest part of the afternoon, was that both James and Adam's papas were down at the beach. They both surf every day and know eachother from surfing down at the pier for years, so we all just sat on the sand and visited for a while, it was so fun. Next time we'll plan better and wear our suits!

Sonny's Pizza!

We gave sonny's pizza a second chance. Yeah that's right I was born and raised in San Clemente, so of course I'm partial to all of their restaurants, except for Sonny's. Everyone always hypes up sonny's to be the best place for Italian and I have always disagreed until last week. My sister Hether was my last client of the evening last Friday night so we decided to call our boys up and meet for dinner. Oh my goodness, I ordered these stuft seafood shells, sounds gross right? Ok they had shrimp, crab, spinach, and ricotta cheese in them baked with a creamy marinara sauce. They were so yummy. Of course my favorite part of the night was the dessert. We all shared a grasshopper pie, it's a homemade mint chip icecream pie with oreo crust. It doesn't get any better than that. Ethan even managed to dig into the dessert and took it over actually!

Memories That Will Last A Lifetime...