Monday, June 23, 2008

It's a boy!

Welcome the newest member of our family! His name is Seargant,andwhat a sweet boy he is. I'm really out numbered by boys now, and I love it! We decided to add onto our family to give Buster our other dog, a brother and friend ( like James and Ethan) One of my clients dogs had puppies and let us have one. He's a pure bread Golden Retriever and will be definately bigger than Buster who is 3 and fully grown. Wow, we really have a crazy house full now. Toddler + baby+Dog+ Puppy= Work, Work, and more Work! It's the kind of work thats so worth it though. What more is there to look forward to than your family and your pets. There's never a quiet moment that's for sure. Cameron has been amazing, by doing the night shifts with seargant, and I get the morning shift. We are crate training him and he loves it actually, he has his little safe haven. Potty training has gone so well too. Better than we had anticipated. He's only had a few accidents and luckily we have travertine tile so it's easier to clean it up. We are so happy to welcome the newest member of the Churchill fam...

1 comment:

Megan Bowen said...


I can't believe you guys got a new dog. He is SO cute, we are for sure going to need to come over and see him soon! We really need to get together sometime soon. I will call you in the next couple of days. Talk to you soon!


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