Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Our typical weekend in SC!

We love having lunch in San Clemente on the weekends and of course finish it off with a walk on the pier to let James run ( and watch him try to snatch fishing rods or fish bate) My dad is a surfer so James always checks to see if any of the surfers below us are papa by yelling "Papa" over the rail of the pier, it's so cute. Anyways, we didn't bring the "just in case" trunks for James this last time and we bumped into our friends Britney and Justin with their kids, Adam who is James's friend (only a week apart) and Ellison who was born just 2 weeks ago. The boys stripped down to their diapers and just ran around together. James kept trying to take adam down, apparently he thought Adam wanted to play football, and they loved to watching the trains go by. The coolest part of the afternoon, was that both James and Adam's papas were down at the beach. They both surf every day and know eachother from surfing down at the pier for years, so we all just sat on the sand and visited for a while, it was so fun. Next time we'll plan better and wear our suits!

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