Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Camping Doheny Style!

Wow, we've had such a busy weekend...the fair Friday night, rolling stones Sat. night, and then camping down at Doheny beach Sunday to Monday. It's been tiring, but so much fun! Doheny camping is pretty cool because every camp site gets a fire pit, picnic table, and you're right across from the beach & it's super cheap. James and Ethan haven't been camping yet, like sleeping in an actual tents, so it was a cool first time for them. We did the beach thing during the day, and the camp fire thing at night. I grew up by the beach so of course I didn't feel like we were REALLY roughin it...but setting up the tents, sitting around the fire pit till the am just talking with fun friends (Uncle Justin and his girlfriend and daughter) felt like camping. When you have toddlers and babies, you totally have to cheat a little bit, Doheny is great for that! There are facilities close by, outdoor showers, and you still get the camping experience:) Memorable for sure!

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