Friday, April 11, 2008

Only Blonde for a day!

So I went blonde from really dark hair and decided it just wasn't me after all my hard hours of work on it! I woke up the morning after I did it, looked in the mirror as I was brushing my teeth, and just laughed because It wasn't "me." I've had every color of the rainbow in my hair, and usually I can pull of reds, browns, and blacks (even pinks and purples) but blonde? Nope, not a fan, so I changed it to a mocha brown with carmal and warm highlights. I love it now and feel like me again. Hair color is so much fun to play around with, I don't think I'll ever do the blonde thing again though.

1 comment:

mandy, jason, elle, ryder said...

pretty sure you could pull off any color, even blonde, just 'cause you're so darn cute! but I do have to say I am a fan of brunettes!

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